Tips for Caregivers : Coronavirus

Tips for Caregivers

This can be an especially stressful time for a caregiver of an individual with different physical, mental, emotional, or developmental challenges.

The following links to high quality advice from trusted sources was prepared by Middlesex County's Office of Aging and Disabled Services. We hope it is helpful.
The Care2Caregivers warmline (1-800-424-2494) remains open, as do the other lines available through the Rutgers National Call Center:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
NJ Suicide Prevention Hopeline

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Interview With Dr. Makhija, the Founder and President of SAMIN

This interview with Dr. Makhija, founder and president of the South Asian Mental Health Initiative and Network (SAMIN) focused on the effects of COVID-19 on the general population. Dr. Makhija explained that it is normal to feel anxious and worried during this unprecedented crisis and advocates believing that ‘this too shall pass’, which will help us emerge successfully from this situation.

Dr Makhija pointed out several ways to cope and avoid being anxious:

  1. minimize watching or reading news which is often negative and stressful
  2. continue to have a familiar routine - waking up, eating, grooming, sleeping
  3. coordinate breaks with family members to enjoy their company
  4. get creative in spare time - board games, karaoke, apps, cooking

Dr. Makhija emphasized the importance of showing compassion to family, neighbors, and anyone else who may need help. This may give a sense of accomplishment, promote happiness, and positively affect mind-body health.

If the above steps don’t help, Dr. Makhija advised monitoring thoughts and listing out reasons for your anxiety. Which of the points are in your control? Other resources include psychiatrist and psychologists as many trained professionals are now offering virtual sessions. In conclusion, we as a community, will be able to find relief and get through these times by following the suggestions above and following CDC guidelines.